Thursday. Back to the USA and Thanksgiving Dinner.


About five miles up the road from Hualapai Hilltop Indian takes of and we drive along noticing huge stars in the sky. Little later we stop the van and all are staring at the star, we aren't in the canyon anymore and can see the whole sky and it is absolutely magnificent. We can see every star of Seven Sister (Pleyades) and branching of the Milky Way. To our great surprise Big Dipper isn't seen, but North Star is right there. Did something change in a week? (Did Vogons visit and destroyed something in the Galaxy?) Or is the Big Dipper hiding behind the hill over there?

Passing by Seligman and other small town we roll into Flagstaff by about 10 pm. All are hungry and demanding food prepared by a professional and not on a camp stove. However it's late and most places are closed. No luck? Turns out that Denny's are open 24 hours are day and we even welcomed there.

We take our time and spent hour and a half eating dinner. Varya and Sanya even order dessert, are they trying to eat ahead or simply are bored with camping food? By midnight we are on the road again, going to Colorado through Four Corners (Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah all meet there). Natasha is steering, she is quite alert after 4 cups of Denny's coffee. We asked her to fill up the gas, but she refuses saying we have more than half a tank and gas stations are abundant. Most of us fall immediately asleep digesting dinner and dreaming of Colorado and skiing.

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