Friday. Amazing adventures


All are fast asleep. I woke up once and remember passing an intersection with mighty three gas stations. Shurik is sleepily warns that those might be the last ones for the next 100 miles and immediately falls asleep again. I suggest stopping for gas, but Natasha refuses with a hint that I better be sleeping and not to bother her, and she is tired of suggestion, and there are plenty gas stations on the way.


I wake up every hour, feels like it's a custom now. I ask Natasha how is it going, where are we and what's new, and is it time to get gas. Nothing is really new, it's dark, it's going fine, and we still have some gas and gas stations are every 30 miles - she replies. I fall asleep again. Then at about 3 am I hear: "Hey, fuel low lamp is on!" Surprise!...
- Where are we?
- Well...
- No, seriously?!
- Almost at Four Corners...
- Did you get gas in Kayenta?
- No, but there were gas stations all over...
- You didn't!?!?! When was the last one?
- About 30 miles ago...
- Well, next one is not sooner than Four Corners. Would we make it?
- I think so (with great doubt).

Feverishly looking at the map, I cannot find anything promising. There are some dots on it, but I am not sure they are towns - Mexican Water, Red Mesa, Teec Nos Pos, Four Corners, Towaoc, Cortez, last two are in Colorado, too far...

There are some lighting posts ahead - gas station?! It is Mexican Water. There is a gas station and a store, but no people (3 am) and pumps don't take credit cards. Arghhh! So we either stay here and wait till morning for an attendant or continue on and push our luck. So I ask for a vote, hoping that girls are more conservative and will decide to stay. To my great surprise, I find myself in minority. They want to go, no matter what. Ok, there is a risk to dry out in the middle of nowhere, but Natasha, Masha and Princess don't seem to care.

OK, we are on the road again, going 55 mph and on neutral downhill, so we stretch gas as long as possible. Passing Teec Nos Pos (20 miles), there is a high school and another gas station, but pumps are even older. Passing Four Corners, AZ, CO, UT, NM (30 miles) there is a sign for a monument and a souvenir store, but no gas. Entering the state of Colorado, nearest town Cortez is 30 miles away, I don't think we will make it... There is something called Тоwaoc, but judging by the map is it as small as Mexican Water, so chances are slim. Nobody but kids are sleeping anymore, all are intently listening to the hum of Sienna's engine.

It has been about 40 miles since the "fuel low" lamp is lit. Princess put a pillow under her head and dosing off. Nerves of steel!!! Road-160 meets Road-666, the latter is more prominent and we originally wanted to take it, but Princess asked not toол, so we went through Four Corners, that way is little shorter. There are lights on the horizon, bunch of them. "Gas station?" - Natasha asks hopefully. I am skeptical: " Too bright, must be casino". "I am feeling lucky" - Natasha says, "let's see whether we make it...."

There about 10 miles to the lights. Looks like it is Towaoc and the map is wrong, it is pretty big and promising modern gas stations. Ok, shines and flickers - casino indeed, but what is it in front of casino? Is it a Mobil??? Yes, it is!!! Hoorayyyyy! We made it!!! Princess wakes up and sleepily says: "I never doubted that we will make it... Have too learn that self confidence.

All right, fill the gas tank, wash the face, wipe the cold sweat away, beat on Natasha (just kidding). Believe it or not we drove 70 miles with the fuel low light on. Wow, Sienna rocks, I love that car!

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